Скрипт для получения атрибутов S.M.A.R.T. жесткого диска

Полезный скрипт, который позволяет получить атрибуты S.M.A.R.T. с локального или удаленного компьютера и сохранить результат в CSV-файл.

' AUTHOR: Леонид_33
' NAME: HDD_Smart.vbs
' Скрипт для получения SMARTа HDD
' Может брать SMART как с локальной так и удаленной машины с выводом результата в файл в формате CSV
' При запуске скрипта выдается окно ввода имени(IP) машины с учетными данными
' Если хотим получить SMART с локальной машины, то ничего не указываем, если с удаленной, указываем имя(IP) машины, и, если надо, учетные данные
' Работает на WindowsXP(SP2,SP3), Windows2003SP2, Windows2008SP1
' Берет SMART через WMI, поэтому, что винда отдает, то отдает т.е.
' работает только со стандартно подключенными на мать HDD IDE и SATA
' Как бы того не хотелось, НЕ РАБОТАЕТ с рэйдами.
' Ну не видит винда SMARTов с этих винтов и все тут.
' Если что по атрибутам неясно, можно глянуть тут
' http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-Monitoring%2C_Analysis%2C_and_Reporting_Technology
'==========================================================================Dim strComputer
Dim strLogin
Dim strPassword
On Error Resume Next
GetPassword()If strLogin = "" or strComputer = "." then
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\WMI")
Set objSWbemLocator = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")
Set objWMIService = objSWbemLocator.ConnectServer(strComputer, _
"root\CIMV2", _
strLogin, _
strPassword, _
end If

Set SmartDataItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM MSStorageDriver_FailurePredictData", "WQL", 48)

InstanceName = Array()
SmartData = Array()
SmartLength = Array()
RowCount = 0
For Each objItem In SmartDataItems
Redim Preserve InstanceName(RowCount)
InstanceName(RowCount) = objItem.InstanceName
Redim Preserve SmartData(RowCount)
SmartData(RowCount) = objItem.VendorSpecific
Redim Preserve SmartLength(RowCount)
SmartLength(RowCount) = objItem.Length
RowCount = RowCount + 1
Set SmartDataItems = Nothing

ThresholdData = Array()
Redim Preserve ThresholdData(RowCount)
PredictFailure = Array()
Redim Preserve PredictFailure(RowCount)
Reason = Array()
Redim Preserve Reason(RowCount)

RowCount = 0
Set ThresholdItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM MSStorageDriver_FailurePredictThresholds", "WQL", 48)
For Each objItem In ThresholdItems
ThresholdData(RowCount) = objItem.VendorSpecific
RowCount = RowCount + 1
Set ThresholdItems = Nothing

RowCount = 0
Set PredictStatusItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM MSStorageDriver_FailurePredictStatus", "WQL", 48)
For Each objItem In PredictStatusItems
PredictFailure(RowCount) = objItem.PredictFailure
Reason(RowCount) = objItem.Reason
RowCount = RowCount + 1
Set PredictStatusItems = Nothing

Set oDict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

If strComputer = "." then
Set objTextFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile("HDD_Smart.csv", 2, True)
Set objTextFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile("HDD_Smart_" & strComputer & ".csv", 2, True)
end If

For CurrentDisk = 0 to RowCount - 1
objTextFile.WriteLine("Drive: " & Replace(Mid(InstanceName(CurrentDisk), 9, InStr(InstanceName(CurrentDisk), "__") - 9), "_", " "))
objTextFile.WriteLine("PredictFailure: " & PredictFailure(CurrentDisk))
objTextFile.WriteLine("Reason: " & Reason(CurrentDisk))
aSmartData = SmartData(CurrentDisk)
aThresholdData = ThresholdData(CurrentDisk)

If IsArray(aSmartData) AND IsArray(aThresholdData) Then
LastID = 0
For x = 2 To SmartLength(CurrentDisk) + 2 Step 12
If LastID > aSmartData(x) then
x = 514
LastID = aSmartData(x)

If aSmartData(x) <> 0 Then
objTextFile.Write(aSmartData(x) & ";")
If oDict.Item(aSmartData(x)) = "" Then
objTextFile.Write("VendorSpecific(" & aSmartData(x) & ");")
objTextFile.Write(oDict.Item(aSmartData(x)) & ";")
end If

If aSmartData(x + 1) MOD 2 Then
End If

' objTextFile.Write(aSmartData(x + 1) & ";")
aFlag = aSmartData(x + 1)
txtFlag = ""
If (aFlag And &H1) <> 0 Then txtFlag = "LC," End If
If (aFlag And &H2) <> 0 Then txtFlag = txtFlag & "OC," End If
If (aFlag And &H4) <> 0 Then txtFlag = txtFlag & "PR," End If
If (aFlag And &H8) <> 0 Then txtFlag = txtFlag & "ER," End If
If (aFlag And &H10) <> 0 Then txtFlag = txtFlag & "EC," End If
If (aFlag And &H20) <> 0 Then txtFlag = txtFlag & "SP," End If
If txtFlag <> "" then
txtFlag = Left(txtFlag, Len(txtFlag)-1 )
end If
objTextFile.Write txtFlag & ";"

objTextFile.Write(aThresholdData(x + 1) & ";") 'Threshold
objTextFile.Write(aSmartData(x + 3) & ";") 'Value
objTextFile.Write(aSmartData(x + 4) & ";") 'Worst
objTextFile.Write((aSmartData(x + 8) * 65536 + aSmartData(x + 7) * 4096 + aSmartData(x + 6) * 256 + aSmartData(x + 5)) & ";") 'Raw
If aSmartData(x + 3) >= aThresholdData(x + 1) Then
objTextFile.WriteLine("NOT OK;")
end If
end If
end If
objTextFile.WriteLine("NO DRIVE WITH SMART FOUND;")
end If

objTextFile.WriteLine("LC - life critical;")
objTextFile.WriteLine("OC - online collection;")
objTextFile.WriteLine("PR - performance related;")
objTextFile.WriteLine("ER - error rate;")
objTextFile.WriteLine("EC - event count;")
objTextFile.WriteLine("SP - self preserving;")

Wscript.echo "HDD_SMART Is Done!"

Function CreateDict(oDict)
oDict.Add 1, "Raw Read Error Rate"
oDict.Add 2, "Throughput Performance"
oDict.Add 3, "Spin-Up Time"
oDict.Add 4, "Start/Stop Count"
oDict.Add 5, "Reallocated Sectors Count"
oDict.Add 6, "Read Channel Margin"
oDict.Add 7, "Seek Error Rate Rate"
oDict.Add 8, "Seek Time Performance"
oDict.Add 9, "Power-On Hours (POH)"
oDict.Add 10, "Spin Retry Count"
oDict.Add 11, "Recalibration Retries Count"
oDict.Add 12, "Device Power Cycle Count"
oDict.Add 13, "Soft Read Error Rate"
' oDict.Add 190, "HDA Temperature"
oDict.Add 191, "G-Sense Error Rate Frequency"
oDict.Add 192, "Power-Off Park Count"
oDict.Add 193, "Load/Unload Cycle Count"
oDict.Add 194, "HDA Temperature"
oDict.Add 195, "Hardware ECC Corrected Count"
oDict.Add 196, "Reallocated Event Count"
oDict.Add 197, "Current Pending Sector Count"
oDict.Add 198, "Off-Line Scan Uncorrectable Sector Count"
oDict.Add 199, "UltraDMA CRC Error Count"
oDict.Add 200, "Write Error Rate"
oDict.Add 201, "Soft Read Error Rate"
oDict.Add 202, "Address Mark Errors Frequency"
oDict.Add 203, "ECC errors (Maxtor: ECC Errors)"
oDict.Add 204, "Soft ECC Correction"
oDict.Add 205, "Thermal Asperity Rate (TAR)"
oDict.Add 206, "Flying Height"
oDict.Add 207, "Spin High Current"
oDict.Add 208, "Spin Buzz"
oDict.Add 209, "Offline Seek Perfomance"
oDict.Add 210, "Vibration During Write"
oDict.Add 211, "Vibration During Read"
oDict.Add 212, "Shock During Write"
oDict.Add 220, "Disk Shift"
oDict.Add 221, "G-Sense Error Rate"
oDict.Add 222, "Loaded Hours"
oDict.Add 223, "Load/Unload Retry Count"
oDict.Add 224, "Load Friction"
oDict.Add 225, "/Unload Cycle Count"
oDict.Add 226, "Load 'In'-time"
oDict.Add 227, "Torque Amplification Count"
oDict.Add 228, "Power-Off Retract Cycle"
oDict.Add 230, "GMR Head Amplitude"
oDict.Add 240, "Head Flying Hours"
oDict.Add 250, "Read Error Retry Rate"
End Function

Function GetPassword()
Dim IE
On Error Resume Next
Set IE = CreateObject( "InternetExplorer.Application" )
With IE
.AddressBar = False
.menubar = False
.Navigate "about:blank"
.Document.Title = "Password"
.ToolBar = False
.Resizable = False
.StatusBar = False
.Width = 340
.Height = 230
End With
With IE.Document.ParentWindow.Screen
IE.Left = (.AvailWidth - IE.Width ) \ 2
IE.Top = (.Availheight - IE.Height) \ 2
End With
Do While IE.Busy
WScript.Sleep 200

IE.Document.Body.InnerHTML = "<BODY SCROLL=""NO"" BGCOLOR=""#" & BCol & """ TEXT=""#" & TCol & """>" & _
"<FONT FACE=""arial"" SIZE=2>" & _
"Введите имя компьютера<BR><INPUT SIZE=""40"" " & "ID=""Computer""><BR>" &_
"Пользователь<BR><INPUT SIZE=""40"" " & "ID=""Login""><BR>" &_
"Пароль<BR><INPUT TYPE=""password"" SIZE=""40"" " & "ID=""Login"">" &_
"<P><INPUT TYPE=""hidden"" ID=""OK"" " & "NAME=""OK"" VALUE=""0"">"& _
"<INPUT TYPE=""submit"" VALUE="" OK "" " & "OnClick=""VBScript:OK.Value=1""></P>"
strComputer = "."
strLogin = ""
strPassword = ""

IE.visible = True
Do While IE.Document.All.OK.Value = 0
WScript.Sleep 200

If IE.Document.All.Computer.Value = "" then
strComputer = "."
strComputer = IE.Document.All.Computer.Value
If IE.Document.All.Login.Value <> "" then
strLogin = IE.Document.All.Login.Value
strPassword = IE.Document.All.Password.Value
strLogin = ""
strPassword = ""
end If
end If
Set IE = Nothing
End Function

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